german shepherd dog pose

K9 Security Guard Services For Hire in California

As a business owner or high-profile individual, finding the best security guards will help keep many aspects of your life safe. On certain occasions, you may need to leverage K9 security in California.

Our team is here to help. You can easily book your K9 security today or request a quote in a matter of minutes.

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    K9 stands for “canine” and is a term used for a dog trained to work in a particular way, typically in law enforcement. The acronym “K-9” is also often used.

    A K9 team consists of one or more police dogs and their handlers. When searching for someone or following their scent, they can locate them much more quickly than the human eye and nose could on its own. K9 teams can also sniff out explosives and drugs and even locate someone by scent. Typically a dog must be trained to follow specific signals that the handler provides to recognize them as the person they are searching for.

    The K9 teams are different in their roles and the training they need. Some dogs are trained to work in specific areas (such as K-9 units with federal agencies). In contrast, others perform general searches of remote locations (such as police forces utilizing dogs on patrol). The fundamental difference between some of the units, which may appear similar, is that each dog will be trained for one role or another based on where it will be deployed and how often it will be used.


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    Who employs K9 security?

    Law Enforcement Agencies

    Law enforcement agencies commonly hire K9 teams to conduct various duties such as assisting in detecting drugs and bombs, tracking down suspects, and finding missing people.


    Many celebrities have used K9 units to protect themselves and their property. The main goal is to protect the dog.

    Private Sources

    Private sources such as private investigation agencies use K9 units to locate lost persons and secure properties. For example, when a company is looking for a missing employee, they might hire someone with a K9 unit to track that person down faster than they could on their own. This may save the company time and money compared to what would be required if they were to try and do it themselves, which would consist of using many employees with flashlights at night looking for the person in question.

    Estate Protection

    K9 Security Service in California is an essential part of estate protection. The K9 teams are trained to look for valuable goods and people, even when other factors may interfere with the search. For example, a dog might be trained to look for certain types of people, like those who work in the entertainment industry or enjoy expensive items or luxury goods. Some dogs are trained to find deceased individuals and specific types of valuables, such as silver and other metals.

    Kidnapping and Hostage Situations

    When a kidnapping occurs, the first thing that law enforcement might seek to do is to find out where the kidnapped person is being held. Once they have found out where the person is, they can then send out K9 teams on patrols to look for signs of the person, indicating where the kidnapper might be located. Such patrols may be done all night long, allowing them to look for any clues that might be left behind.

    Why Having K9 Guards is Much Different Than Just Having Some Personal Guns for Protection

    K9 officers and security teams vary in their levels of training and experience. The dogs are trained to have a variety of skills; they are trained to sniff out drugs, follow scents, and even find bodies in the case of deceased criminals. Some dogs also chase down suspects or pursue them if they get away. The police dog teams who perform this type of service need various retraining when they begin working with officers after being hired by the police department. While some might be able to do all these things right away, others will have an adjustment period because they have been trained for a particular purpose that is unimportant during their consideration for work at a particular government agency.

    Why Choose SSS for your K9 Guard Needs

    There are many reasons why a K9 guard dog may be the best choice for you, whether it is the type of dog that is being used or the service itself. Here are a few advantages and advantages of hiring SSS to protect your property:

    24/7 customer support

    SSS offers 24 hours a day, seven days a week service in the case of any emergencies. If you ever have questions or concerns about the security at your place, we will be happy to help with any issues you might have.


    All hired guards must have a PPO license, all basic insurances including battery and assault, undergo extensive screening, and have active drug tests and guard cards. Let’s go a little deeper into discussing the extra licenses an armed guard may need over an unarmed guard.

    California PPO license

    A guard with a PPO license can carry up to a .38 caliber revolver on them and on the property, which is usually enough protection for most cases.

    Security Available On-demand

    Many people do not have the budget to keep an extended security staff on hand, even though they may be in great need of one. SSS can help you by offering guards that are available for short-term service to solve this problem.

    How the Process Works

    The process is simple. You can either contact us and include details about your security needs, or book your security directly on our site. Make sure to include any information about what you’re looking for – for example, if you need someone who has experience in monitoring, let them know that. The team will work with you to select an armed or unarmed guard best suited for your needs, and we will contact you within 24 hours with their pricing quote.

    Why Someone Might Need K9 Security?

    Someone might need K9 security services because many benefits come from having someone work for you instead of trying to do everything on your own. Having someone work with a K9 guard dog allows you to have the protection and security you could never have thought possible.

    Often, some situations warrant the need for K9 security, such as if you live alone or if you are new in an area or business. This person can still be helpful in those situations when those things are not valid. For example, if you are a business owner and you want to protect your office or store, you might want someone to work with a K9 dog just in case. This will allow you to have an added layer of security that may keep your business safe from vulnerabilities that could be taken advantage of.

    The Need for K9 Guards in California

    Someone in California might need K9 guard security because of the many benefits that come from having someone work for you instead of trying to do everything on your own. Having someone work with a K9 guard dog allows you to have the protection and security you could never have thought possible. Some situations warrant the need for K9 guards, such as living alone or new in an area or business. This person can still be helpful in those situations when those things are not valid. For example, suppose you are a business owner and want to protect your office or store. In that case, this will allow you to have an added layer of security that may allow you to keep your business safe from vulnerabilities that could be taken advantage of.

    Every year, millions of homes experience break-ins. Though it seems like something unimaginable, specific steps should be taken to make sure it doesn’t happen to your home.

    You’ll want to make sure your windows and doors are secured with quality locks, purchase an alarm system for when you’re not home, don’t let packages sit in front of the doorstep unattended for long periods, install deadbolts on the outside hinges if you have older ones, have a security light installed near ground level in low-lit areas outside because burglars often avoid being seen when possible, avoid making personal information available through social media or by putting things up around your living space which tells them what they want to know. And last but not least, make sure you have an alarm system installed in your car because it’s one of the most targeted spots for thieves.

    Some of the most common scams involve phone providers. They may appear to offer you a free car and other services that can help you gain more savings on your bill if you agree to sign up for these “specials.” The problem is that these companies only want to take your money, so don’t trust them and hang up.

    Special Security Services

    The world can be a scary place, but you can make it less frightening by getting professional K9 security services. We at Special Security Services (SSS) provide a wide range of security services to cover all of your security needs. We have over 20 years of experience, so we have the experience to handle whatever comes our way.

    Contact us today to learn more!


    Get the security services you need at a low price. We’re open 24/7. Call now for a quote!

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